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Life with a Purpose

In “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” gender is defined as an essential characteristic of each one of our identities. Each one of us was born with unique characteristics that make us who we are. I believe that each of us have a purpose while we are here on earth and have certain roles that we are to accept and uphold throughout our lives.
Mothers by nature are nurturers. My mother raised four girls and one boy. It has been interesting to watch how she nurtures us in our own unique and individual ways. I think sometimes we think of nurturing just as loving someone, but it is much more than that.
I am studying child development and know that a love of learning needs to be nurtured. A sense of strength and self-worth needs to be nurtured. Cognitive, physical and emotional development needs to be nurtured. As we encourage our children to play and grow and learn we are nurturing them.
Sometimes this may mean they get hurt. They may fall down as they are running after a ball and skin their knee. That doesn’t mean we teach them to not run because they may get hurt. We nurture and love them and show them that it is okay to fall down sometimes, it is okay to mess up or fail, because we learn, and we become better.
A mom’s role in the home is crucial to her children. In my opinion, the best people that children can learn from is their parents. They will have a lasting effect on their lives.
Fathers are to preside over and protect their families. Growing up my dad always made sure we had what we needed. We didn’t have fancy electronics or the newest fashion of clothes, but we always had the things that we needed.
When I was in middle school, I found out that I had a tumor on my leg. I was young and scared and was going to lots of doctor appointments to try and figure out what was going on. My dad was there for me the entire time. It wasn’t until my senior year that I had surgery to have it removed and my dad made sure I had the best surgeon in one of the best hospitals in the area. He even went as far as to as the surgeon what grades he got while he attended Harvard.
Although I was embarrassed at that moment, I was so grateful how protective he was over me. I know that if anything were to happen to me, I would want my dad with me helping me though it. He would do anything for me to make sure I am okay.
I needed both of my parents and the unique characteristics and strengths they had in raising me. I can’t imagine life without one of them there to help me learn or to watch over me.
I know that many people would disagree with me and say that I could have had those same experiences with two moms or two dads, but I disagree with those opinions. I needed a dad who would teach me how men should treat me. I needed a mom that would show me and teach me how to be a mom for when I have children of my own.
How would I have learned those things? Sure, I could have had other role models in my life, and I did, but there is something special about learning from those who gave you life. They are a part of you and they are able to help you learn things that others can’t. They know you and have a special connection with you that others don’t.
Gender is an essential characteristic of each of us. We are unique. God does not make mistakes. He is perfect, and loving, and always there for us.


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