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Showing posts from May, 2019

Dates are Great

                Have you ever wondered how dating used to be different compared to today? I decided to call my mom and ask her how she has seen dating change just in her lifetime. She talked about how when she was my age, she would go on more one on one dates. She sees lots of people today going on group dates when they should be paring off.                 She also talked about how the boys that asked her out were more assertive it was very clear when you were going on a date. Today people often “hang out” and they don’t call it a date. She also mentioned that if a guy liked you, he asked you out, and then you eventually started to date. In society today you get your friends together and plan something to invite the boy you like to, and then your friends try to talk to him and suggest to him that he should ask you out. It is a more complicated process than it used to be.                 The most interesting thing to me that she talked about was the fact that relationships to

Life with a Purpose

In “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” gender is defined as an essential characteristic of each one of our identities. Each one of us was born with unique characteristics that make us who we are. I believe that each of us have a purpose while we are here on earth and have certain roles that we are to accept and uphold throughout our lives. Mothers by nature are nurturers. My mother raised four girls and one boy. It has been interesting to watch how she nurtures us in our own unique and individual ways. I think sometimes we think of nurturing just as loving someone, but it is much more than that. I am studying child development and know that a love of learning needs to be nurtured. A sense of strength and self-worth needs to be nurtured. Cognitive, physical and emotional development needs to be nurtured. As we encourage our children to play and grow and learn we are nurturing them. Sometimes this may mean they get hurt. They may fall down as they are running after a ball

Beating the Odds

Throughout my life I have seen and interacted with many different people from many different social economic statuses. My dad has many people he works with that are upper class. I went to school with many people who came from families that were middle class. I lived in the Metro Detroit area for 18 months and was surrounded by so much diversity. Are we all that much different from one another? Where I grew up in California there were many immigrants, some legal, some not. Many of them worked in the fields to earn a living. It was long hours, and usually both parents worked. I never really considered the sacrifices that were made until I became friends with Michael. His parents were immigrants and worked in the fields to provide for their family. Michael was an amazing student. He worked hard and earned a lot of respect from his peers. We all knew that he would achieve big goals and dreams that he had when he left high school. Life was not always a walk in the park for him t