The family is the most important social unit in society. There is teaching, learning and growing in the family. Here are some great quotes about the family and the importance of them. 1. “Indeed, nothing is more critically connected to happiness—both our own and that of our children—than how well we love and support one another within the family.” —M. Russell Ballard 2. “The family is the most important organization in time or in eternity. Our purpose in life is to create for ourselves eternal family units.” —Joseph Fielding Smith 3. “The family is one of God’s greatest fortresses against the evils of our day. Help keep your family strong and close and worthy of our Father in Heaven’s blessings. As you do, you will receive faith and strength which will bless your lives forever.” —Ezra Taft Benson 4. “The key to strengthening our families is having the Spirit of the Lord come into our homes. The goal of our families is to be on the strait and narrow path.” —R...
“Purposes of parenting are to protect and prepare a child to survive and thrive in the world we all live in.” -M.P. We may not all become parents in this life, but we will likely all be given an opportunity to be an important adult figure in a child’s life, and even though we aren’t their parent doesn’t mean that we can’t influence their lives for good. I personally believe that parenting has changed and shifted over the years. I look at the way my parents grew up and it is very different than the way we grew up. My parents played outside more and they have many memories that they can recall of spending time with cousins and friends. Although many children today may be spending time with friends and family as well, I worry that they aren’t making meaningful memories. They are playing video games or playing on an ipad. Playing outside is huge especially for young children. There are so many life lessons and skills that can be learned as children go outside and play with one ...